Disruptive Successor Podcast

Episode 182 - Using Team Dynamics Assessment for Building a High-Performing Team with Christopher Morrison

Episode Summary

Christopher Morrison is the co-founder and CEO of TeamDynamics, a groundbreaking platform that redefines team collaboration by focusing on team dynamics rather than individual personalities. With a background at leading consulting firms like McKinsey and a successful track record in tech startups, Christopher brings a wealth of experience in organizational psychology and team performance. His innovative approach has helped companies like Meta, Splunk, and Hilton optimize their team effectiveness, making him a sought-after expert in the field. SHOW SUMMARY In this episode of the Disruptive Successor podcast, Jonathan Goldhill is joined by Christopher Morrison, co-founder and CEO of Team Dynamics, who shares his journey from consulting at McKinsey to pioneering a platform that enhances team dynamics. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding team behaviors, leveraging smart frameworks for optimal performance, and the value of leadership buy-in and cultural cohesion in achieving business success. Christopher also elaborates on his tool, Team Dynamics, which provides actionable insights into team interactions, and contrasts it with traditional individual-focused assessments. The episode wraps up with practical advice on implementing these innovative tools for improved team effectiveness. KEY TAKEAWAYS Team Dynamics Concept: The platform measures and categorizes team behaviors to enhance collaboration and productivity. Framework Dimensions: TeamDynamics uses four dimensions: Communicating, Processing, Deciding, and Executing, to assess and improve team interactions. Leadership Buy-in Essential: Successful implementation requires leadership support, clear narrative, understanding of frameworks, and integrating these practices into daily workflow. Addressing Skepticism: Overcoming resistance involves demonstrating the actual impact of these tools on team performance. Professional & End Users: The product is used by both consultants and organizational leaders across various industries. QUOTES • 'One of the primary challenges in family businesses is fostering effective teamwork and collaboration.' • 'Knowing when you've put enough in the problem isn’t the organization and its investment in that individual. The problem is that individual.' • 'What defines good leadership a lot of the time is ownership and accountability as the leader around your performance and buy-in of the team members that you're leading.' • 'There is no single best way for a team to work together. It’s a function of who’s on the team, what the team is tasked with, and the broader organizational context.' • 'High performing teams know how they prefer to work and know when it’s time to flex outside their comfort zone.' • 'One of the most important leadership qualities, which is chronically under emphasized, is flexibility.' • 'Once you start to see the impact, then a lot of that skepticism starts to fall away.' • 'In the cases where the answer is no, then your responsibility as a leader is to make a change and to take your team in a different direction.' Connect and learn more about Christopher Morrison and his company. https://www.teamdynamics.io/contact If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com

Episode Notes

Christopher Morrison is the co-founder and CEO of TeamDynamics, a groundbreaking platform that redefines team collaboration by focusing on team dynamics rather than individual personalities. With a background at leading consulting firms like McKinsey and a successful track record in tech startups, Christopher brings a wealth of experience in organizational psychology and team performance. His innovative approach has helped companies like Meta, Splunk, and Hilton optimize their team effectiveness, making him a sought-after expert in the field.


In this episode of the Disruptive Successor podcast, Jonathan Goldhill is joined by Christopher Morrison, co-founder and CEO of Team Dynamics, who shares his journey from consulting at McKinsey to pioneering a platform that enhances team dynamics. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding team behaviors, leveraging smart frameworks for optimal performance, and the value of leadership buy-in and cultural cohesion in achieving business success. Christopher also elaborates on his tool, Team Dynamics, which provides actionable insights into team interactions, and contrasts it with traditional individual-focused assessments. The episode wraps up with practical advice on implementing these innovative tools for improved team effectiveness.



Connect and learn more about Christopher Morrison and his company.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe, review, and share with a friend who would benefit from the message. If you’re interested in picking up a copy of Jonathan Goldhill’s book, Disruptive Successor, go to the website at www.DisruptiveSuccessor.com